We are pleased to report that the parties have agreed to conditionally certify the case as a collective action, and the Court has approved the parties’ agreement. This means we will soon send judicial notice to all servers and bartenders who work(ed) for HMSHost Corp. or Host International, Inc. at the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport or Hubert H. Humphrey terminal in the last three years. This notice will explain the lawsuit and will provide information about how to join. Once notice is mailed, the servers and bartenders will have forty-five (45) days to decide whether to make a claim. Once the forty-five (45) day notice period closes, the parties will exchange information and meet to discuss settlement. Currently, we are in the process of selecting a date and a mediator for the settlement discussions. If you have any questions, please contact our case clerk, Erik Nielsen, at enielsen@nka.com or (877) 344-4628.