Labor & Human Trafficking Attorneys
We Have a Successful Track Record Serving Clients Nationwide
At Nichols Kaster, our team of compassionate and skilled attorneys is committed to fiercely advocate for trafficking victims and those who have experienced other types of forced labor. If you or a loved one have been subjected to trafficking, please contact our firm immediately so that we can assess your case and help you take legal action to seek justice from the businesses and industries that help facilitate such crimes.
Forced Labor
It is illegal to deprive or violate another person’s freedom in order to obtain services from them. Human trafficking occurs when a person or group is forced into servitude through deception, fraud, violence, or threats of death.
Victims of human trafficking are recruited, transported, or received for the sole purpose of exploitation through forced labor. Victims of trafficking are not free to leave, plan, or secure fair payment for the work they perform because they can face threats, violence, and other physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse.
Labor traffickers may coerce the employee to continue to work for them despite the poor conditions by using threats like:
- Severe financial penalties for quitting.
- Threats of deportation.
- Abuse of legal action.
- Physical restraints.
Let Our Lawyers Advocate for You
Our legal team at Nichols Kaster is here to assist if you or someone you know is a victim of trafficking. When you choose our firm to handle your case, you won’t have to go through it alone because we will provide reliable and effective guidance each step of the way.
Call us today at (877) 344-4628 for a free and confidential case consultation with one of our experienced legal advocates to review the details of your situation.

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