On August 11, 2021, we filed a lawsuit on behalf of participants in the Xerox Corporation Savings Plan (the “Plan”). The lawsuit alleges that the Plan’s fiduciaries (the Defendants in the case) violated the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) by failing to act prudently or in the interest of Plan participants and beneficiaries in managing the Plan.
The lawsuit alleges that Defendants breached their fiduciary duties by retaining a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xerox as the Plan’s record keeper, despite it charging participants as much as four times above competitive marketplace rates for comparable services.
The lawsuit seeks to recover the Plan’s financial losses resulting from Defendants’ fiduciary breaches. For a copy of the Complaint, click here. To learn more about the case or discuss your potential claims, please contact Mary Arend, our Intake Clerk, by phone at (612) 256-3246 or by email at marend@nka.com.
This case is entitled Carrigan, et al. v. Xerox Corporation, et al., Case No. 3:21-cv-01085 (D. Conn.)

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