We recently agreed to a proposed settlement of this class action lawsuit with Capital. The settlement requires Capital to pay workers $425,000 in lost wages and change a number of business practices moving forward. If accepted by the court, the proposed settlement will improve working conditions for janitors moving forward. Among the changes required under the terms of the settlement:
1) Capital will provide all workers with paystubs every two weeks, so workers can review their hours and check for missing time.
2) Capital will create an internal mechanism for employees to report missing wages, and for the company to pay those wages.
3) Capital will prohibit the practice of requiring employees to purchase their own cleaning supplies.
4) Capital will provide all employees the opportunity to be paid by check, and will not require employees to receive pay on a debit card unless employees agree.
5) Capital will compensate employees for time spent traveling between two or more stores in a single work day.
The settlement is currently pending court approval. This process typically takes a few months to complete. Class members will be informed of their individual allocation in the coming months. In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like more information, please contact William Elsass at (877) 344-4628 ext. 260 or via email at welsass@nka.com. As always, we appreciate your patience and support.